Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Kubrick's Other Work

While conducting research for my thesis, I have seen nearly all of Kubrick's work, including his original short The BoxerSpartacus, Kubrick: A Life in Pictures and even Room 237 (a feature documentary exploring the various conspiracy theories surrounding The Shining). I had not, however, seen the behind the scenes documentary that his wife, Vivian Kubrick, had produced detailing the making of The Shining. I found this on Youtube while reviewing scenes from A Clockwork Orange, and was immediately infatuated with the 30 minute film. Clearly Kubrick wasn't the only member of his family who fostered a talent in filmmaking. While I had seen many photos of Stanley at work I had seen hardly any footage, and was ecstatic to see him in action. With large productions such as The Shining the bustling and intense atmosphere on set is typical but exciting to witness as someone who has only worked on small scale productions. If you would like to watch the short documentary, it can be found here.